Reflection via POV

I was created for a class.

My sole purpose is to ensure a good grade, but I think she cares for me more than that. I have come to think of her as my mother. I don’t know her name so I just refer to her as my mom.

She named me Iamuniquejustlikeeverbodyelse.

She misspelled my name excluding the Y in every. I think she did this on purpose so people wouldn’t be able to find me. To shield me from prying eyes.

At first I thought she hated me. I thought she was ashamed of me. I was very sad.

But now I know that isn’t true. She was just scared that people would make assumption on her based off of me. She didn’t want them to construct her in their minds different from how she wanted them to see her. She had no control of what people thought of me and that scared her. So she hid me.

But I know she still cares. She posts every once and a while and just checks back on me when I feel neglected. She shows me too all of her friends. The only time she is uneasy is when a stranger looks at me.

She knows I’m different from the other blogs. And she’s happy that I fit my name. She fits my name too.

She has changed me once but I’m happy with this change. I think it fits me. But I’m happier to know that I changed her too. She’s no longer scared to communicate to and through me. She’s not scared to be unique. And she has learned that it doesn’t matter what people think if they can’t tell you. And lastly she learned that having me was actually fun.

But I know I am reaching the end of my life. And there will be a day when I die and she will no longer look for me. But it’s okay. I’m happy I got to spend this time with her and I’m even happier to l=know she was happy to spend time with me as well.


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